Naruto vs Bleach, also known as Bleach Vs Naruto 1.2, is a hot fighting game series. Even though it was released nearly 20 years ago, the game is still played and loved by many people. The main story of Bleach vs Naruto 1.2 is based on the popular comic/animation Naruto and the popular Naruto cartoon series, and the villains in the story are also based on the main story of Bleach.
You can set up the keyboard yourself to play - W A S D keys to move - J keys to play K to jump L keys to move quickly - Use U keys to move Press O to call a team member for support - Your mission is to defeat your opponent. 2 people can play against each other. + Player 2: Use arrow keys to move. Use 4 key moves. Press 6 to call a team member for help. Tap 1 to play. Tap 2 to jump, tap 3 to fast scroll.