The concept of game is quite simple but also fun. Do you like narwhals? Do you like sword fighting? How about using a narwhal's horn as a sword to fight other narwhals? I've been playing for half an hour and I'm hooked. The game has a relatively small map, which means a lot of action. When 20 players target you, you may not have a chance to breathe.
The aim of the game is simple; Trim the rest of the narwhal before slicing. Each time you kill an enemy, you gain a number of permanent abilities, such as movement speed, a stronger horn, the ability to spin faster, increased durability, and more. If another narwhal's horns touch you, you must be careful because you will be cut, but if parts other than your own horn come into contact, you will automatically move away from each other.
In the game, everything is controlled with your mouse. Your character moves in the direction your mouse is looking, and you can move towards your enemies with a left click. Most players in the game want to attack and kill the player who is the winner of the game, that is, the king. If you can kill the first player of the game, you will increase your chance of getting the highest score and you can have more features. Because you earn points in proportion to the points of the players you kill in the game. Speed and agility strategies play a very important role in the game, so you should stay as far away from your enemies as possible.